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Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion

There’s always something new to discuss about the viral game called Plants Vs Zombies Fusion mod.

Recently, the game, which you can play on PC or Android, has been gaining popularity, with many creators uploading their gameplay on social media.

The most exciting part of this fusion mode version is that players can combine plants from different factions.

The more complex the combination of powers, the greater the evolution in terms of form and attack of the characters.

One of the plants you can use is King Ultimate Torchwood. Below, we’ve provided a guide on how to create or assemble King Ultimate Torchwood. Be sure to read to the end.

How to Create King Ultimate Torchwood

Each evolution level of the plant warriors’ king has different skill abilities.

The attack potential of King Ultimate Torchwood is producing Squash Bomb warriors when it’s hit by ammunition from a Gatling.

Therefore, the role of the Gatling with King Ultimate Torchwood is crucial. It’s even more perfect if you create King Gatling or King Kipli to supply Torchwood’s ammunition.

If a zombie gets close, the Squash will jump and explode, creating a burning effect in one lane.

For King Kipli's evolution process, you can check our previous tutorial on how to create King Kipli in Plants Vs Zombies Fusion mod.

But the focus of this discussion is how to create King Ultimate Torchwood. Full details can be found below.

  1. First, gather as much sun energy as possible.
  2. Next, spawn Torchwood on the field.1 Letakkan Torch Wood - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  3. Then, place Squash in front of Torchwood.2 Letakkan Squash - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  4. Here, you can combine Chili with Squash. Eventually, Squash will evolve into a red version.3 Gabungkan dengan Chilli - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  5. Next, combine Squash with Torchwood.4 Gabungkan Torch dengan Squash - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  6. Then, merge the evolved Squash and Torchwood using gloves.5 Kombinasikan dengan Sarung Tangan - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  7. This will result in the King Ultimate Torchwood character.6 Maksimalkan dengan King Kipli - Cara Membuat King Ultimate Torchwood di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  8. Finish.


The fun part of the Plants Vs Zombies Fusion mod is the ability to combine warriors from different plant clans.

This includes creating King Ultimate Torchwood. The full potential of this Torchwood evolution becomes even more powerful when combined with King Kipli. Hope this guide is helpful.

Ivan Aveldo

📖 Penulis & Tech Enthusiast | Penjelajah Inovasi 🌐 "Menguraikan kompleksitas teknologi menjadi cerita yang mudah dipahami. Selalu ada hal baru yang menarik di sini!"

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