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How to Create Kipli Sniper in Labyrinth Mode on Plants vs Zombies Fusion

How to create the Kipli Sniper card in Labyrinth mode of Plants vs Zombies Fusion. You can enjoy this Labyrinth mode while strategizing plant troops to defend the final line.

To build a strong defense, layered evolution of plant warriors is needed. One of the troops with the best sniping power is Kipli Sniper.

There is a way to create Kipli Sniper in this Labyrinth mode. Curious about how to set the best strategy in the game Plants vs Zombies Fusion?

How to Create Kipli Sniper in Labyrinth Mode

One interesting feature in this version of Fusion Plants vs Zombies is the Labyrinth mode.

The defense setup in Labyrinth mode is certainly much different compared to the line field arena.

You can place several plant troops at crucial corners, preventing zombies from breaking through your defenses.

Besides strategic positioning, the type of troops used must also be selective. We will reveal the strongest plants to counter zombie attacks in Labyrinth mode, one of which is Kipli Sniper.

Combining Gatling (aka Kipli) will form a special sniper unit ready to eliminate zombies from a distance.

Here’s how to create Kipli Sniper in Labyrinth mode in Plants vs Zombies Fusion.

  1. Play in Labyrinth Mode: Enter Labyrinth Mode to begin the process of creating Kipli Sniper.1 Masuk ke Mode Labirin - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  2. Select Kipli: After entering, choose the special character you want to use.2 Pilih Kipli - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  3. Place Kipli Level 1: Make sure you have Gatling (aka Kipli) to build your sniper evolution, then place Kipli Level 1.
  4. Fuse to Level 2: Combine Kipli again to evolve it into Level 2.3 Letakkan Kipli - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  5. Fuse to Level 3: Merge Kipli once more to evolve it to Level 3.4 Gabungkan Kipli Lv 2 - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  6. Fuse to Level 4: Finally, combine Kipli once again to reach Level 4, transforming into an armed soldier.5 Gabungkan Kipli Lv 3 - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  7. Use the 2x Glove: Here, use the 2x Glove feature.6 Gabungkan Kipli Lv 4 - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  8. Combine Both: Drag the Level 4 Kipli on top of the glove.7 Gunakan Sarung Tangan - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion
  9. Evolve Kipli Sniper: This will result in the Kipli Sniper evolution.8 Gabungkan Kedunya - Cara Membuat Kipli Snipe pada Mode Labirin di Plants vs Zombie Fusion


You have successfully created Kipli Sniper. Now, all that’s left is to arrange your plant troops’ strategy to defend your base. Hopefully, this helps!

Ivan Aveldo

📖 Penulis & Tech Enthusiast | Penjelajah Inovasi 🌐 "Menguraikan kompleksitas teknologi menjadi cerita yang mudah dipahami. Selalu ada hal baru yang menarik di sini!"

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