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How to Fix Yandex Showing "Safe Search Mode Enable" (No Search Results)

Yandex is a search engine that provides unrestricted access to content without the need for a VPN to obtain a fake IP. Users can freely search for content from foreign websites without a VPN, ensuring smooth and fast browsing. 

However, in some cases, a "Safe Search Mode Enable" message appears. This condition prevents users from accessing the content they are looking for and exploring it freely. 

If you encounter this message, we have solutions on how to fix Yandex showing "Safe Search Mode Enable." 

How to Fix Yandex Showing "Safe Search Mode Enable" 

The cause of the "Safe Search Mode Enable" notification is the content filter settings on your browser. 

If this feature is active, you will not be able to access foreign sites, sensitive content, or get any search results on Yandex. 

What's the solution? It's quite simple. You just need to turn off the safe search filter. If this doesn't work, change your location to a foreign city. 

Here are the detailed steps to fix Yandex search results not appearing: 

  1. When on Yandex search, click on the "Settings" text below. 1 Ketuk Settings - Cara Megatasi Yandex Muncul Pencarian Aman Aktif (Tidak Ada Hasil Pencarian)
  2. Then, activate "No Filter" in the Filter Search Result menu. 2 Ganti No Filter - Cara Megatasi Yandex Muncul Pencarian Aman Aktif (Tidak Ada Hasil Pencarian)
  3. Click the "Save" button. 
  4. If search results still do not appear, adjust the Location. 3 Klik Lokasi - Cara Megatasi Yandex Muncul Pencarian Aman Aktif (Tidak Ada Hasil Pencarian)
  5. Change the City field to a city in the USA, such as New York. 4 Pencet City - Cara Megatasi Yandex Muncul Pencarian Aman Aktif (Tidak Ada Hasil Pencarian)
    5 Ganti New York - Cara Megatasi Yandex Muncul Pencarian Aman Aktif (Tidak Ada Hasil Pencarian)
  6. Finally, click the "Save" button. 
  7. Search results will then appear for the keywords you entered. 


Isn't it easy to fix Yandex search results showing "Safe Search Mode Enable"? Essentially, you just need to change the search mode on the engine, and if the filter does not solve the issue, change the access location outside of Indonesia. Hopefully, this is helpful. 

Ivan Aveldo

📖 Penulis & Tech Enthusiast | Penjelajah Inovasi 🌐 "Menguraikan kompleksitas teknologi menjadi cerita yang mudah dipahami. Selalu ada hal baru yang menarik di sini!"

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