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How to Identify a Real or Fake MiChat Account

Many people are already familiar with the MiChat application. This social media platform has gradually shifted its role from merely a communication tool to a medium for transactions.

Without needing much explanation, we can already imagine the functions of this MiChat application.

MiChat is often used for transactions with negative connotations. Such activities provide opportunities for criminals to deceive users on the platform.

To address and mitigate fraud on the MiChat application, we have summarized ways to determine if a MiChat account is real or fake.

You need to carefully examine several key points to avoid misfortune.

Characteristics of Real or Fake MiChat Accounts

Living in the virtual world forces us to be selective in filtering everything, including content, news, accounts, and buying and selling activities, to avoid fraud.

As technology advances, so do the opportunities for criminals to exploit these moments.

Although some say that technology security systems are advanced enough, crimes can still happen anywhere and anytime.

One platform or application where criminals start their scams and frauds is MiChat.

This application is often used for transactions between users, even with random people.

Since we often interact with strangers on MiChat, it’s crucial to know the characteristics of real and fake MiChat accounts to avoid being easily deceived.

So, what are the characteristics of real and fake MiChat accounts? Here are some things to pay attention to in order to distinguish them.

1. Pay Attention to the MiChat Profile Picture

2 Foto Profil - Cara Mengetahui akun MiChat Asli atau Palsu

We need to understand who is behind the MiChat profile picture. There are several things you should be suspicious of to determine if they are real.

The first characteristic is that the profile picture looks too professionally taken, whether in terms of image quality, angle, filters, etc. Be wary, as the photo might have been taken from someone else’s social media gallery, especially if they are a professional model.

To categorize a photo as real, it should be taken with a mobile phone camera, be a selfie, and the gallery photos on the account should have consistent quality and not be too pixelated.

Sometimes, fraudsters are sophisticated and can make a photo look real, like a selfie, to avoid accusations of being fake. However, if the picture is too pixelated or blurry, it might have been screenshotted from someone else’s profile.

A reliable method to check if a profile picture is real is to download or screenshot the target’s profile picture. Then, open Google and upload the photo to the Google image search engine. The system will help find matching faces with the uploaded photo. If you see the same post with a different name, they are likely fraudsters.

So, be very careful.

2. Requesting Upfront Transfers

1 Akun MiChat - Cara Mengetahui akun MiChat Asli atau Palsu

MiChat is often used for transactions, so note that if an account requests an upfront transfer, they are likely fraudsters.

The logic is that transactions occur after or during the meeting between the seller and buyer. So, if they ask for a transfer upfront, do not send money first.

Remember that you don’t know anyone on MiChat beforehand, and most people are random. If you transfer upfront, they might disappear and block contact, leaving no trace, and you won’t know who you sent the money to.

This scam can involve not just money but also sending credit, data packages, via online motorcycle taxis, or even asking you to pay off something.

If you encounter such a scam, it’s best to avoid it.


Those are two ways to identify real or fake accounts on the MiChat application. Be careful with online scams. There are many ways they can deceive you, even with professional-level techniques. Stay vigilant and stay safe. Hopefully, this is useful.

Ivan Aveldo

📖 Penulis & Tech Enthusiast | Penjelajah Inovasi 🌐 "Menguraikan kompleksitas teknologi menjadi cerita yang mudah dipahami. Selalu ada hal baru yang menarik di sini!"

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