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How to Meet Milah After Marriage in Citampi Stories

Although mobile games on Android and iOS are currently dominated by online games, there are still quite a few Android and iOS games that can be played offline, such as Citampi Stories.

Citampi Stories is an offline life simulation game where you will start a new life in the village of Citampi.

You can do many things such as farming, scavenging, selling goods, strolling around, and many other activities that are equally exciting.

Additionally, you can do things beyond the ordinary, such as encountering a genderuwo and even engaging in Pesugihan rituals.

In Citampi Stories, there are many characters you can interact with. Besides human characters, there are also supernatural beings like Genderuwo.

You can even marry one of the female characters in this game developed by Ikan Asin Production.

Not only can you get married, but you can also have children after the marriage.

Speaking of female characters in Citampi Stories, they are all beautiful. Milah Sarmilah is one character that captures the attention of players who download this game from the Google Play Store.

Milah Sarmilah is one of the beautiful female characters in Citampi Stories. She is a charming village girl you can meet in her hometown.

How to Meet Milah After Marriage in Citampi Stories

You can meet Milah Sarmilah anytime you want, whether before or after you get married.

If you want to meet Milah after getting married, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, go to the hometown with your child and wife on a Saturday morning.
  2. Then, head straight to the riverside in the village where you will see Milah.1 Cara Ketemu Milah Setelah Menikah
  3. There, you can meet Milah directly.2 Cara Ketemu Milah Setelah Menikah
  4. Well done.


These are the tips for meeting Milah in the game Citampi Stories after getting married. I hope you find them useful.

Dimas Adya Razan

🌐 Content Writer | Enthusiast Teknologi | Penjelajah Dunia Digital 🌟 "Berbagi cerita dan informasi seputar teknologi yang menginspirasi. Temukan inovasi terbaru bersama saya!"

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